The story of James
Tille (Now Dr. James Tille (PhD)) is singularly unique
among American serviceman who studied overseas. In the
1970's, Tille had opportunity to serve three tours of
duty in Korea. Already an experienced martial artist,
Tille used the opportunity to take his studies to the
highest level. On his first tour, he immersed in Kuk
Sool Won Hap Ki Do, returning Stateside where he was
authorized to teach and promote. During subsequent
tours, he immersed in Sung Moo Kwan, and Moo Sul Kwan,
ultimately achieving Black Belt or higher rank in each
of the systems. In effect, he attempted on each return
to locate his teacher, only to find the master had
moved on...whereupon he petitioned to participate with
another school. He learned that though there exists a
common thread amongst all practitioners of Hap Ki Do,
there are also very considerable distinctions between
schools and what is taught. He was a treasure trove to
those who had opportunity to work with him. Tille's
personal students, few in number, are recognized for
their extraordinary breath of technique, and precision
of execution. When I first witnessed Master James
Tille perform the Hap Ki Do forms, I thought they
looked a bit comical. They certainly didn't have the
intense edge of the Japanese and Tae Kwon Do forms, or
the complexity of the Kung Fu forms. They also
appeared to lack power. Tille explained the forms are
teaching models, not performace vehicles. Though
appearing simple, they are indeed quite complex, and
each presents unique challenges, or "gates" that
students must pass through before mastering the more
advanced aspects of the art. The foundation of Hap Ki
Do is the three principles (Circular Energy, Non
Resistance, and the Water Principle). The forms leave
no alternative but for the proponent to completely
surrender to those underlying energies. Unlike forms
from other styles, the Hap Ki Do form is continuous
movement, so much so, that Tille held there is really
only one move in an entire form, "You start!." Once
started, you flow through many changes of direction,
high and low, foot and hand, until you are done. As
for the power, it's definitely there, but remember,
Hap Ki Do's strength is its subtlety. Its power is
never where you can see it. It's where you can put it
to effective use. Master Lee, whose school was in
Tae-Bong-Dong (Seoul, Korea) was James Tille's first
Hap Ki Do instructor. Dr. Tille has graciously
provided these films of Master Lee, performing the
entire system. They were recorded in 1976, on 8mm
film, and were performed by Master Lee for Tille to
ensure the body of knowledge would be preserved. They
live today, within the Iron Crane Dojo. Also, be
sure to visit our
sword page.
of Iron Crane #2 (Complete Video)
Time Markers - Sword Forms Continued
White Lotus #3 - 00:07
White Lotus #3 (slow motion) - 00:40
White Lotus #4 - 1:43
White Lotus #4 (slow motion) - 02:35
White Lotus #5 - 04:18
White Lotus #5 (slow motion) - 04:48
White Lotus #6 - 05:47
White Lotus #6 (slow motion) - 06:12
White Lotus #10 - 07:07
White Lotus #10 (slow motion) - 07:28
Time Marker - Self Defense
Defense and Kicks - 08:09
view the forms Individually
click the link reference below.
One - Forms #1 thru #4
Film One - Forms #5 thru #8
Film Two - Forms #9 thru
Film Two - Forms #12 thru
#13 & Self Defense/Kicks