A practitioner of Gun Fu
should be able to defend him or herself in any
situation. To develop this skill in a safe practice
environment, we have categorized the most common self
defense problems which you might expect to encounter in
real world situations. By developing confidence in
responding to these attacks, you learn to defend
yourself against the unknown attacker.
For testing purposes,
students are required to produce a minimum of three
immediate responses to each category of attack. In
actual testing, the self defense criteria would be met
only when the sequence is run to completion, and the
attacker is unable to continue.
Over the years, we filmed
a number of video clips demonstrating the unique nature
of Ironcrane Gun Fu responses to attacks. Think of what
you see in these images as preliminary responses,
setting up a coherent sequence. Almost always,
these were done in the moment, when opportunity
arose. There was no pre-planning, no rehersals,
and no attempt to cover flaws or
imperfections. What you see is what we did
as we did it, with no re-takes. It turned out to
be a big job, but we’re happy we did it. We have
left a trail for others to follow. Think of how
rare that is.
The videos are grouped
into general categories (see the list below).
Simply click the category and you will be delivered to
the appropriate page for viewing.
Additional Self Defense Videos and Details (Click